Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro

Translated by Raquel Salas Rivera

Diosa te salve, Yemayá

Diosa te salve, Yemayá
llena eres de ashé
la babalawo sea contigo
bendita tus hijas que toman la justicia en sus manos
y bendito es el fruto de tu océano-río Oshún

Santa Yemayá
madre de diosas
consentidora de todos los amores
de todas las lenguas y enjambres de labios
de toda hembra que ama a otra mujer

Ave Purísima Yemayá
santificada por criar a nuestras hijas e hijos
y enseñarles a devolver el golpe del marido borracho
llena eres de balas
y cuchillas
prestas para el ajusticiamiento

rueguen por nosotras los orishas
Orula madre y padre
los dioses del santo hermafroditismo Eleguá y los ángeles transexuales
ahora y en la hora
de la libertad
de la desobediencia civil
de los defensores
de nuestra entrega por la patria
y nuestra bandera borincana

Hail Yemayá

Hail Yemayá
full of ashé
the babalawo is with you
blessed are your daughters that take justice into their own hands
and blessed is the fruit of your river-ocean Oshún

Holy Yemayá
mother of gods
spoiling us with all the loves
all the languages and swarms of lips
of each woman who loves another woman

Our Yemayá, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name for raising our daughters and sons
and teaching them to hit the drunk husband back
full of bullets
and knives
ready to enact justice

pray for us, orishas
Orula mother and father
the gods of the hermaphrodite saint Eleguá and the trans angels
now and in the hour
of our freedom
of our civil disobedience
of the defenders
of our complete surrender to our patria
and our borincana flag

Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro (Guaynabo, 1970). Es escritora puertorriqueña. Ha sido elegida como una de las escritoras latinoamericanas más importantes menores de 39 años del Bogotá39 convocado por la UNESCO, el Hay Festival y la Secretaría de Cultura de Bogotá por motivo de celebrar a Bogotá como Capital Mundial del libro 2007. Fue premiada Escritora Puertorriqueña del Año 2016 en Literatura Queer por el Centro LGBT de Puerto Rico. Ha publicado libros que denuncian y visibilizan apasionados enfoques que promueven la discusión de la afroidentidad y la sexodiversidad. Es Directora del Departamento de Estudios Afropuer-torriqueños, un proyecto performático de Escritura Creativa con sede en la Casa Museo Ashford, en San Juan, PR y ha fundado la Cátedra de Mujeres Negras Ancestrales, jornada que responde a la convocatoria promulgada por la UNESCO de celebrar el Decenio Internacional de los Afrodescendientes. Ha sido invitada por la ONU al Programa “Remembering Slavery” para hablar de mujeres, esclavitud y creatividad en 2015. Su libro de cuentos Las negras, ganador del Premio Nacional de Cuento PEN Club de Puerto Rico en 2013, explora los límites del devenir de personajes femeninos que desafían las jerarquías de poder.Caparazones, Lesbofilias y Violeta son algunas de sus obras que exploran la transgresión desde el lesbianismo abiertamente visible. La autora ha ganado también el Premio del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña en 2015 y 2012, y el Premio Nacional del Instituto de Literatura Puertorriqueña en 2008. Su libro Animales de apariencia inofensiva fue declarado Libro del año 2015 y su libro Ojos de luna fue declarado Libro del año 2007, ambos por el Periódico El nuevo día. Ha ofrecido conferencias en Ghana, Africa, FIL Guadalajara de México y Casa de las Américas en Madrid, España. También ha sido Escritora Invitada para NYU, Vermont University, Florida State University y la Universidad de Pennsylvania. Ha sido incluida en la plataforma TED Talk como conferenciante con la charla magistral “Y tu abuela, ¿a dónde está?” Su obra se ha traducido al alemán, francés, italiano, inglés, portugués y húngaro. http://narrativadeyolanda.blogspot.com/

Raquel Salas Rivera is a Puerto Rican poet who lives in Philadelphia. Their work has appeared in journals such as the Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, Apogee, BOAAT, Círculo de Poesía, Cosmonauts Ave, Waxwing, Dreginald, and the Boston Review. They are the author of Caneca de anhelos turbios (Editora Educación Emergente), oropel/tinsel (Lark Books), and tierra intermitente (Ediciones Alayubia). Their book lo terciario/the tertiary is forthcoming in 2018 from Timeless, Infinite Light. Currently, they are Co-Editor of The Wanderer, and Co-Editor of Puerto Rico en mi corazón, a collection of bilingual broadsides of contemporary Puerto Rican poets. If for Roque Dalton there is no revolution without poetry, for Raquel, there is no poetry without Puerto Rico. https://raquelsalasrivera.com/

Vincent Toro

Traducción de Urayóan Noel


      Song to ward off venture capitalists.

              The tinto shipped
from our ancestors in Galicia
       flirts unabashedly with giggling hens
on the veranda. Tio Frank
              is praying to his pipe, the smoke
                     cradles his bajo sexto
       as he croons, conjuring the flota

              that dislocated us from the last
century. Junior rocks the ricochet
       like a sorcerer of Brownian
motion. He is a garrison perched
              across the ping pong table
                     like an eight limbed
       colossus. In the kitchen, cards

              are slapped like sinvergüenzas
round after round in an endless
       game of Texas Hold ‘Em that holds
the cousins hostage. The winner
              is never the sucker
                     with the ace, the winner
       is he who talks shit with Fidel’s

              fuerza bruta, an eight hour
fusillade of slick digs and relentless
       boasts. Beside them abuelita
plays Zatoichi with the lechon
              asado, ropa vieja is swallowed
                     by vagrant cangrejo
       and bored nieces running

              on fumes from chasing
the dog around the chicken coops.
       This party was supposed to evanesce
long before sun up, but the coquito
              is still spilling, the tias
                     still stalking the counter-
       rhythms of the timbale like Bolivar

across the Andes. The road
at the end of the driveway is shrapnel,
       the privatized water too steep
for our pockets, but we got tariffs
              on this tanned euphoria
                     so no vulture
       funds can raid and strip

              the assets from our
digames, our ‘chachos, our
       oyes, our claros, our
manos, our oites, our carajos,
              our negritos, our vayas,
our banditos,
       our pa que tu lo sepas!


     Canto para protegerse de los capitalistas de riesgo.

              El tinto que enviaron
nuestros ancestros en Galicia
       coquetea descarado con gallinas que se ríen nerviosas
en el balcón. Tío Frank
              le está orando a su pipa, el humo
                     arropa a su bajo sexto
       mientras canturrea, conjurando a la flota

              que nos dislocó del siglo
pasado. Junior le mete al rebote
       como un mago del movimiento
browniano. Él es un centinela velando
              la mesa de ping-pong
                     como un coloso con
       ocho brazos. En la cocina, las barajas

              son golpeadas como sinvergüenzas
ronda tras ronda en un eterno
       juego de Texas Hold ‘Em que mantiene
a los primos secuestrados. El ganador
              nunca es el pendejo
                     con el as, el ganador
       es el que habla mierda con la fuerza bruta

              de Fidel, ocho horas
descargando indirectas mañosas y alardes
       sin fin. A su lado abuelita
hace de Zatoichi con el lechón
              asado, la ropa vieja se la tragan
                     cangrejos vagabundos
       y sobrinas aburridas corriendo hasta morir

              de cansancio de tanto perseguir
al perro por los gallineros.
       Se supone que esta fiesta se disipara
mucho antes del amanecer, pero el coquito
              sigue fluyendo, las tías
       siguen acechando los contra-
                     ritmos del timbal como Bolívar

              cruzando los Andes. La carretera
al final de la entrada es metralla,
       el agua privatizada demasiado cara
para nuestros bolsillos, pero le hemos puesto tarifas
              a esta euforia bronceada
       para que ningún fondo
                     buitre nos ataque y nos arranque

              los valores de nuestros
dígames, nuestros ‘chachos, nuestros
       oyes, nuestros claros, nuestros
manos, nuestros oítes, nuestros carajos,
              nuestros negritos, nuestros vayas,
                     nuestros benditos,
       nuestros pa’ que tú lo sepas!

Vincent Toro is the author of Stereo.Island.Mosaic., which won the Sawtooth Poetry Prize and The Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award. He has an MFA in poetry from Rutgers University and is a contributing editor for Kweli Literary Journal. He is recipient of a Poet’s House Emerging Poets Fellowship, a NYFA Fellowship in Poetry, and the Metlife Nuestras Voces Playwriting Award. A two time Pushcart Prize nominee and a finalist for the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize, the Alice James Book Award, the Andres Montoya Poetry Prize, and the Cecile De Jongh Literary Prize, Vincent’s poems have been published in The Buenos Aires Review, Codex, Duende, The Acentos Review, The Caribbean Writer, Rattle, The Cortland Review, Vinyl, Saul Williams’ CHORUS, and Best American Experimental Writing 2015. Vincent was an artist in residence at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in Florida and at Can Serrat in Spain. He is a Macondo Foundation writer and a board member for GlobalWrites, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting literacy through technology. Vincent teaches at Bronx Community College, is Writing Liaison at Cooper Union’s Saturday Program, and is a poet in the schools for The Dreamyard Project and the Dodge Poetry Foundation.

Originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Urayoán Noel lives in the Bronx, teaches at NYU, and is a 2016-2017 Howard Foundation fellow in literary studies, as well as the author, most recently, of Buzzing Hemisphere/Rumor Hemisférico (Arizona) and In Visible Movement: Nuyorican Poetry from the Sixties to Slam (Iowa). Learn more at urayoannoel.comurayoannoel.bandcamp.com, and wokitokiteki.com, a bilingual, improvisational poetry vlog.

Urayoán Noel

ijla kontinente      aksilaj i kueroj     kueroj i aksilaj     anunsioj de deteljente     fantajmaj mochileroj     ke peldieron suj mochilaj    dokumentando suj biajej     pol la amérika nuejtra     komo selajej de otra     ijkielda siniejtra     ke suplanta y sekuejtra     a la anteriol     i otro gobielno en flol     se malchita     i otro potro de derecha kabesea i se enkabrita     asumiendo la mueka maltrecha     de laj masaj de ejtrasa     i ai filaj en todoj loj beltederoj      bajo el sol de la mañana     i ya se siente ke van dejpeltando     i de kuando en kuando     se abre una bentana     i ej ke akí todo sana     lentamente


áilan’ kóntinen’     pit an’ jaid      jaid an’ pit     ditéryen’ komérchols     bákpaker gousts     ju lost dear bákpaks    dókumentin’ dear bóyech     akrós aur amérika     laik kláudskeips of anódel     lef’-bijáind lef’     dat suplants an’ jáiyaks     de príbius wan     an’ anódel góbelmen’ in blum     wíders awei     an’ anódel ráitwing koult chímis and cheiks     wéring de báterd grímes     of de braun-péiper máses     an’ dear ar lon’ lains in ol de dómpin’ graunds     óndel de mólnin’ son     an’ wan kan fil dem awéikenin’     an’ ébri wans in a wail     a wíndou óupens     an’ so yu si ébrisin biguins tu jíal     ibéntuali

Originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Urayoán Noel lives in the Bronx, teaches at NYU, and is a 2016-2017 Howard Foundation fellow in literary studies, as well as the author, most recently, of Buzzing Hemisphere/Rumor Hemisférico (Arizona) and In Visible Movement: Nuyorican Poetry from the Sixties to Slam (Iowa). Learn more at urayoannoel.comurayoannoel.bandcamp.com, and wokitokiteki.com, a bilingual, improvisational poetry vlog.

Pó Rodil

Translated by Raquel Salas Rivera

Cuir de extraño

para la doña del tren,
para tu mamá,
tu papá,
tu abuela,
tu ex,
un extraño para ti,
solo para ti.

Un día decidí tragarme la duda,
respirar profundo,
un poco
o un mucho.

El mundo está hecho para ser cuir,
pa’ uno mirar su reflejo,
decidir quién vas a ser hoy.
No nací mujer.
Nunca lo fuí,
andando sin camisa en la casa,
escuchando regaños,
pechos pre-pubertos
negándose a crecer.

No hay miedo en sobresalir,
en ser.
No hay miedo en querer ser una pluma más en una boa,

Odiando mi nombre,
queriendo orinar de pie,
queriendo los tacones más altos que me pudiera poner.

Qué alternativa:
alternativa a extrañar

La alternativa:
asumir una identidad
Bien extra.

Otra vez, en el reflejo
voy a preguntarme, “¿Quién soy?”
o mejor:
“¿Qué soy?”

Una cosa
e x t r a ñ o,
llamando la atención.
¿Qué soy?
¿Qué soy?
¿Qué soy?

Miro al reflejo.

Hay que salir.
Una identidad tengo que asumir,
un nombre muerto.
Solo soy un nombre muerto,
las tripas desilusionadas,
se revuelcan.
No entienden que no les toca ser.
No les toca la tranquilidad.



Me niego.
Me niego a vivir así,
a tener que rogar respeto,
a tener que salir,
a ser alguien que no soy.

Quiero llenarme de escarcha,
llenarme de amor,
llenarme de querer ser yo,
llenarme de hacer,
ser cuir,
no un extraño.

Queer as in Strange

for the old lady on the train,
for your mamá,
your papá,
your abuela,
your ex,
a stranger to you,
only to you.

One day I decided to swallow doubt,
breathe deeply,
hug myself
a little
or a lot.

The world is made for queerness,
to look at one’s reflection,
to decide who you are going to be today.
I wasn’t born a woman.
I was never a woman,
roaming the house shirtless,
receiving scoldings,
with prepubescent breasts
that refused to grow.

There is no fear in standing out,
in being.
There is no fear in wanting to be another feather in the pink

Hating my name,
wanting to piss while standing,
wanting the highest heels.

What an alternative:
alternative to missing the estranged
The alternative:
to assume an identity
that is extra.
So extra.

Once again, in the reflection
I’m going to ask myself, “Who am I?”
or better yet:
“What am I?”

A huge,
s t r a n g e
What am I?
What am I?
What am I?

I look into my reflection.

Go out.
You have to go out.
I have to assume an identity,
a dead name.
I am only a dead name,
the disillusioned guts,
are tousling.
They don’t understand that they can’t exist.
They don’t get peace.



I refuse.
I refuse to live like this,
to have to beg for respect
to have to go out,
to be someone I am not.

I want to fill myself with glitter,
fill myself with love,
fill myself with wanting to be myself,
fill myself with doing,
with being queer,
not a stranger.

Pó Rodil is a very queer caribbean trans/multi-diciplinary performance artist, anti-drag performer who loves to shine a light on the mind and body otherness.

Raquel Salas Rivera is a Puerto Rican poet who lives in Philadelphia. Their work has appeared in journals such as the Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, Apogee, BOAAT, Círculo de Poesía, Cosmonauts Ave, Waxwing, Dreginald, and the Boston Review. They are the author of Caneca de anhelos turbios (Editora Educación Emergente), oropel/tinsel (Lark Books), and tierra intermitente (Ediciones Alayubia). Their book lo terciario/the tertiary is forthcoming in 2018 from Timeless, Infinite Light. Currently, they are Co-Editor of The Wanderer, and Co-Editor of Puerto Rico en mi corazón, a collection of bilingual broadsides of contemporary Puerto Rican poets. If for Roque Dalton there is no revolution without poetry, for Raquel, there is no poetry without Puerto Rico. https://raquelsalasrivera.com/

Nicole Sealey

Traducción de Mara Pastor

Hysterical Strength

When I hear news of a hitchhiker
struck by lightning yet living,
or a child lifting a two-ton sedan
to free his father pinned underneath,
or a camper fighting off a grizzly
with her bare hands until someone,
a hunter perhaps, can shoot it dead,
my thoughts turn to black people—
the hysterical strength we must
possess to survive our very existence,
which I fear many believe is, and
treat as, itself a freak occurrence.

Fortaleza histérica

Cuando oigo noticias de un mochilero
al que le cae un rayo, pero sobrevive,
o del niño cargando un sedán de dos toneladas
para salvar a su padre atrapado debajo,
o de un campista peleando contra un oso
solo con sus manos hasta que alguien,
tal vez un cazador, le dispara y lo mata,
pienso en la gente negra—
la fortaleza histérica que debemos
poseer para sobrevivir nuestra existencia
que me temo muchos creen es, y
tratan como, otro suceso insólito.

Born in St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. and raised in Apopka, Florida, Nicole Sealey is the author of Ordinary Beast and The Animal After Whom Other Animals Are Named, winner of the 2015 Drinking Gourd Chapbook Poetry Prize. Her other honors include an Elizabeth George Foundation Grant, the Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize from The American Poetry Review, a Daniel Varoujan Award and the Poetry International Prize, as well as fellowships from CantoMundo, Cave Canem, MacDowell Colony and the Poetry Project. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times and elsewhere. Nicole holds an MLA in Africana Studies from the University of South Florida and an MFA in creative writing from New York University. She is the executive director at Cave Canem Foundation, Inc.

Mara Pastor is a Puerto Rican poet, editor, and translator. She lives in Ponce, Puerto Rico, where she teaches literature and collaborates as a writer with a number of publications and magazines in Puerto Rico and abroad. Her works include the chapbooks As Though the Wound Had Heard (Card Board House Press, 2017) and Children of Another Hour (Argos Books, 2013). She is also the author of several books in Spanish, including Sal de magnesio (2015), Arcadian Boutique (2014), Poemas para fomentar el turismo (2011), Candada por error (2009) and Alabalacera (2006). Her poems have been partially translated into English and, recently, to German. Her dexterity as a live performer of poetry out loud has given her a place in renowned festivals such as Festival de Poesía de Rosario, Argentina; Latinale, Berlin (2016); Festival de la Palabra, San Juan (2015); Festival de la Lira, Ecuador (2015); La Habana International Book Fair, Cuba (2014) and Festival del Caracol, Tijuana (2013). Her poetry is included in several anthologies and her work has appeared at the Boston Review, 80 grados, Clarín, El País, and elsewhere. She is the co-editor of the anthology of Puerto Rican contemporary poetry Vientos Alisios, that was originally published in Mexico City, followed by revised editions in Spain and Cuba. 

Nicole Delgado

Translated by Carina del Valle Schorske

con el cuerpo leo los ciclos de la naturaleza

de pronto me siento árbol
y me crecen las hojas

mi corazón palpita
bombea sangre por todas sus ramificaciones

los días se acumulan de formas diferentes

a veces
uno simplemente
no está listo

listo para la muerte

de alguna forma
tomo en la boca la palabra brindar
y después es el momento
de no esperar

de nadie

with my body i read the cycles of nature

soon enough i feel tree like
and grow leaves

my heart palpitates
and pumps blood
thru all these branches

the days accumulate in different ways

some days
one is simply
not ready

ready to die

somehow i take
in my mouth the word
offering and then
it’s the moment
i won’t wait for

from nobody

Nicole Delgado (Puerto Rico, 1980) Poeta, traductora, guionista, diseñadora y organizadora cultural. Estudió Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Puerto Rico y completó una maestría en Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe en la Universidad del Estado de Nueva York (SUNY Albany). Ha trabajado como facilitadora de talleres de creación literaria, poesía, periodismo, encuadernación y libro objeto en Puerto Rico, Nueva York, México, Ecuador y Panamá. Formó parte del colectivo internacional de escritoras Las Poetas del Megáfono en la Ciudad de México entre el 2008 y el 2009. Actualmente desarrolla junto a Xavier Valcárcel el proyecto editorial Atarraya Cartonera de Puerto Rico y organiza la Feria de Libros Independientes y Alternativos (FLIA) en Puerto Rico. Su poesía ha sido parcialmente traducida al inglés, catalán, gallego, polaco, alemán y portugués.

Carina del Valle Schorske is a poet, essayist, and Spanish language translator at large in New York City. Her work has appeared at the Los Angeles Review of Books, The New Yorker online, Lit Hub, The Point, The New York Times Magazine, The Offing, The Awl, and elsewhere. She recently won Gulf Coast’s 2016 Prize for her translations of the Puerto Rican poet Marigloria Palma. She is the happy recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, the MacDowell Colony, Bread Loaf, and Columbia University, where she is a doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature. Find her @fluentmundo on Twitter.

Mara Pastor


Translated by Carina del Valle Schorske

I climb the stairs,
I burn down the house,
I decide to fly,
I speak an unspeakable
language, palm leaves
snap, electric trunks
fall in a mute city,
the muteness is wise,
the voice makes us
animals, the animal
drowns in the water,
in all of us, the sea is
sometimes tsunami.


I climb the stairs,
I burn down the house,
I decide to fly,
I speak an unspeakable
language, palm leaves
snap, electric trunks
fall in a mute city,
the muteness is wise,
the voice makes us
animals, the animal
drowns in the water,
in all of us, the sea is
sometimes tsunami.

Mara Pastor is a Puerto Rican poet, editor, and translator. She lives in Ponce, Puerto Rico, where she teaches literature and collaborates as a writer with a number of publications and magazines in Puerto Rico and abroad. Her works include the chapbooks As Though the Wound Had Heard (Card Board House Press, 2017) and Children of Another Hour (Argos Books, 2013). She is also the author of several books in Spanish, including Sal de magnesio (2015), Arcadian Boutique (2014), Poemas para fomentar el turismo (2011), Candada por error (2009) and Alabalacera (2006). Her poems have been partially translated into English and, recently, to German. Her dexterity as a live performer of poetry out loud has given her a place in renowned festivals such as Festival de Poesía de Rosario, Argentina; Latinale, Berlin (2016); Festival de la Palabra, San Juan (2015); Festival de la Lira, Ecuador (2015); La Habana International Book Fair, Cuba (2014) and Festival del Caracol, Tijuana (2013). Her poetry is included in several anthologies and her work has appeared at the Boston Review, 80 grados, Clarín, El País, and elsewhere. She is the co-editor of the anthology of Puerto Rican contemporary poetry Vientos Alisios, that was originally published in Mexico City, followed by revised editions in Spain and Cuba. 

Carina del Valle Schorske is a poet, essayist, and Spanish language translator at large in New York City. Her work has appeared at the Los Angeles Review of Books, The New Yorker online, Lit Hub, The Point, The New York Times Magazine, The Offing, The Awl, and elsewhere. She recently won Gulf Coast’s 2016 Prize for her translations of the Puerto Rican poet Marigloria Palma. She is the happy recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, the MacDowell Colony, Bread Loaf, and Columbia University, where she is a doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature. Find her @fluentmundo on Twitter.

Kenyatta JP García


It’s strumming down
     the shingles
    as a celestial guiro.
We know this sound Jibaro,
    this and the goat’s toes
    and the splashing
    it sounds like the first
        day of exile.
It plucks as we did
those strings
    when we knew
    that the poets were 
it’s the same
heard for centuries
    back to the reason
    for Passover.

It’s a change from the snow
    of troikas
    and Cossacks,
It’s a change 
    from the winds
        that filled 
            every sail
from Agamemnon
    to the Conquistadors
to under wing 
of stukkas 
to the whistling caverns,
        and berms.
Sopranos to the bass
    of explosions.
    was it ever in Eden?
Only in the Exodus
    the first exodus?
But it’s a change 
        from the arid
the aridity 
that turns one 
    to dance
even when 
they can hear 
        the hooves
    and rifles
leaving from cities back east
bound for them.

But it’s also
    the humidity
    the home of mosquito
        and malaria
    and the weapon
    of those
        certain places
            where no 
                conqueror won.
Those swamps
        and jungles
    left to
        and aborigine-
Right Jibaro?
    Hermanx under plantain leaves
    Beside yucca roots
        and cane.
Hermanx run off
    for survival-
    for freedom-
        for the homeland.
Hermanx who welcomed rain
    just as those
        on mountaintop
    prayed for landslides
        to stop the pursuers
And to make each of their footsteps
        it’s never enough
            to extinguish
                those fires
    we made
    to eat
    to stay warm
        to signal our kin
Our family
    on Bedouin trail,
        in moccasins,
            in the rice paddy 
Our clan who know
        walls are worthless
    and legacy
    is a story 
        which only grows
    There’s a language
        as rain
    which keeps coming
        to sink
    and his chosen animals.
It keeps coming
    for those without boats
to drown 
those who do.
It’s in the Highlands
    and in the notes
        passed cell to cell.
It’s on the street corner
    and it’s more song 
    than the drums,
fife and strings.

And Moro,
    rain washes
        your blood
    through it all
so you can suffer
    same as you conquered.
Rain washes
    your script
    takes the faces
        off coins
    but never turns copper skin
        to green
Never makes the swarthy
            and olive
    but free,
at liberty 
    to let the rain
        wash the grease 
    the cooking oil,
        the mechanic’s fuel,
            the lubricants
                of guns,
    the sweat
        of wearing
            the wrong color
Makes the hair 
    as those dashes 
        between the dots
used to surrender
    and plead
        for help
and also deceive.
Straight as fibers
    crossing on the loom,
As arrows
    and oars.
Rain, it erodes mortar and
    takes foundation
        from the houses
    we wish to forget.
It’s the ocean
    that’s never angry 
        with us.  

Kenyatta JP García is the author of Slow Living (West Vine Press), This Sentimental Education and Enter the After-Garde.

Joey De Jesus

…Because I dON’t seek inclusion

Traducción de Kenneth Cumba

The idea of citizenship is just
another wall that divides us.

I’m speculating futures.
Now, I’m serving papi

a secret service hidden
in the brambles at my back gate.

I loot a salutation to a white christ
of its contraband and found

my nation in the clouds. Riot
shields and barricades delineate

a border, which is a bulwark
wired in flaming hot Takis

from habibi down the block
—funny how that is,

to have a mind halved
into open compendium,

to have a voice most sexy
when it’s gone.

Previously published in BOAAT Press.

…porque no busco la inclusión

La idea de la ciudadanía es solo
otra pared que nos divide.

Estoy especulando futuros.
Ahora, le estoy sirviendo a papi

un servicio secreto escondido
en las zarzamoras del portón del patio.

Saqueo una salutación a un cristo blanco
de su contrabando y hallo

mi nación en las nubes. El motín
escuda y las barricadas delinean

una frontera, que es un baluarte
alambrado en Takis extra picantes

de habibi al final de la cuadra
-qué cómica la cosa,

tener una mente a la mitad
en compendio abierto,

tener una voz que es más sexy
cuando se va.

Joey De Jesus is one of the poetry editors at Apogee Journal and is from the Bronx, but lives in Brooklyn.

Kenneth Cumba (Carolina, Puerto Rico, 1992). Fue estudiante de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Ganador del Primer Certamen Subgraduado de la Facultad de Humanidades en el 2012. Ganador del Premio Guajana en el año 2014. Ha escrito un libro, aun inédito, La urgencia de la fruta, cuyos textos han sido publicados en revistas digitales e impresas, tanto en Puerto Rico como en México, Bolivia, Argentina y California.

Kenneth Cumba (Carolina, Puerto Rico, 1992). He studied Hispanic Studies at the University of Puerto Rico and won First Place in the Department of Humanities Poetry Contest in 2012. He also won the Guajana Prize in 2014. Selections from his unpublished manuscript, The Urgency of Fruit, have been published in online and print journals from Puerto Rico, México, Bolivia, Argentina and California.

Cindy Jiménez Vera


de No lugar

     a Alex Maldonado Lizardi

No quiero
que este poema
se convierta
en una alegoría.
Que cuando digo vaca
es una vaca.
Si digo playa
se sala el agua.
Si digo hogar
me abrazas
me das comida
y me dejas llorar
toda la tarde.


from No place

     for Alex Maldonado Lizardi

I don’t want
this poem
to become
an allegory. Look,
when I say cow
it’s a cow.
When I say beach,
water streams salt.
If I say home,
you hold me
you give me food
and you let me cry
all afternoon.

Cindy Jiménez-Vera (San Sebastián del Pepino, Puerto Rico, 1978) Autora de los libros de poesía No lugar (2017), Islandia (2015), 400 nuevos soles (2013), y Tegucigalpa (2012), del libro de crónicas de viaje En San Sebastián, su pueblo y el mío (2014), y del libro de poesía para niños El gran cheeseburger y otros poemas con dientes (2015). La revista Punto en Línea de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) publicó una antología de su obra titulada Anoche soñé que tenía seis años (2014). Sus textos se han publicado en revistas literarias y académicas, en antologías, en libros de textos escolares, periódicos y sitios web de Argentina (Eterna Cadencia), Brasil (Mallamargens), Colombia (Editorial Corazón de mango / Revista Corónica / El Meridiano), Cuba (La Jiribilla / Ediciones La Luz), España (Editorial Polibea / La Galla Ciencia / Aurea), Estados Unidos (International Poetry Review – Puerto Rican Issue / Contratiempo), Italia (Progetto 7Lune), México (Luvina / Tierra Adentro / Metrópolis), Perú (Transtierros), Puerto Rico (Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña / 80 grados), República Dominicana (Revista Ping Pong), entre otros, y traducidos al inglés, italiano y portugués. Es colaboradora de la revista La ventana de Casa de las Américas de Cuba. Dirige Ediciones Aguadulce.

Carina del Valle Schorske is a poet, essayist, and Spanish language translator at large in New York City. Her work has appeared at the os Angeles Review of Books, The New Yorker online, Lit Hub, The Point, The New York Times Magazine, The Offing, The Awl, and elsewhere. She recently won Gulf Coast’s 2016 Prize for her translations of the Puerto Rican poet Marigloria Palma. She is the happy recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, the MacDowell Colony, Bread Loaf, and Columbia University, where she is a doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature. Find her @fluentmundo on Twitter.