i eat mwezi under cover
moonrise / midnight mahina
bright enough to read your breasts
by / inhale / inhabit your breath
suck moonbeams lick laline
flesh / cotton-candied tsuki
sapphic snake tongues thrust / lap
moondust / between saffron sheets
we strum salted mawu nipples
sugared stars inyanga crystals
you moan deep / rouge / maha clouds scat
blues riffs / till blood moon kisses dawn

At Carnegie-Mellon University I earned a BFA in Drama then had an acting career.
At University of Houston, I earned an MSW in clinical and political social work and served in correctional, medical, and psychiatric facilities.
At Boise State University I earned a BFA in creative writing. My nonfiction appears in Michigan Quarterly Review, and in The Texas Review. My fiction appears in North American Review and in The EastOver Press Anthology of Rural Stories, 2023: Writers of Color. My poetry appears in The Indianapolis Review, Tupelo Quarterly, The Minnesota Review, in ANMLY, and is forthcoming in The Normal School.