GLAMOUR / I harvest for an altar /
snowbush clippings / Dutch still lifes /
Brooklyn Barbies / discarded condom /
cloaked in glitter / my eidolons /
o,a,blation / to fashion / “technologies of
self” / to cohere / slow as salt / a cur,ation
of / straw dolls / golden ring / light above
/ which defies / the blur of extinction /
“tarot as mirror” / a shifting practice /
stems from / the vase / f,unction / in f,lux
/ I want to be / elsewhat / flotsam /
haunts the throat / I whistle / my
antiphons / green kundimans / the ‘ō‘ō
call / one-hit wonders / yes / some ghosts
are welcome
GLAMOUR / I figure an object into
being / a ceramic jug / which bears / nub
teeth / googly eyes / a garbled mouth / it
chews / speech spits / back profanation /
listen / it’s an imprecise alchemy / to
en,chant / points in a series / which
in,dic,t,ates / what encodes / a toad and
its stools / a forked tongue / whisper of
flesh / I throw my enemies / a parade /
why deny myself / a new desire / blooms
/ an arrangement / broken tulips / lemon
peels / bale of wools / costume jewelry /
the male feathers / golden calves /
skincare routine / larva / rendered fat /
my bubble machine / my pleasure circus /
how best / to sublimate / to be sublime
GRAMMAR / who is at the door / to
map / a shifting terrain / a hermeneutics
of self / a heretic / a “physical website” / I
repeat to myself / knowledge which falls /
out of my body / and intuit / arches /
towards a locality / bends air / or
descends upon it / a threshold of trees /
what hinges on / my proximity to capital /
empire / I am edging / the lines here / I
furrow / in the creek bed / I look for / my
corner / I look / dumb / struck across the
body / of water / the ferryman / inside I
reach / for a coin / to bite / which leaks /
a string / of Janus words / that which /
means its opposite / to weather / to splice
/ to c, leave
GRAMMAR / moonphase / illus,trat,ion
/ what obscures a body / of work / process
/ maintenance / labored breathing / I sift
valences / find many teeth / arrive at many
/ im,ports / medicinal bark / oils / rare &
rarefied / pomander / against all manner /
of contagion / language of shame / to
sanction / against silks / Gov. Dasmariñas
/ the friars / their illuminations / which
state / our prurience / for food / & drink /
& clothes / & gold / & fucking / & not
property / my people / knew how to live /
damn / the land / gives endlessly / to those
who tend it / what use is there / in
punishment / or paradise both / are here
GRAMMAR / correct / what the lens fails
/ moon’s immensity / in the eye / was it
the rivers I placed / sipped from the collar
creek / mistook for veins / or bones I dig /
plasma-cracked / licked for syntax /
bramble of star / thistle / darling /to
decorate / decollate / a bird / which
appears to me / imperious signs /
overdetermined auspice / pleats / replete
/ my runic skin / or comma splice /
“language of my oppressors” / is at times
my own / pocketknife / is there any /
undeterminate limb / locus of power /
insect vistas / re,peat into / libidinal
machine / old gods in the now / alien
spaces / remember the enemy / is often
GRIMOIRE / the ceramic jug / has
returned to kill me / I let it / know that
parenting / is unmiraculous / every
generation / should be aimless / the leaf /
varie,gates / touch-me-nots / uncoiling /
a totality of bodies / endless & queer / the
intext of survival / our learned brush /
stroke of / foxtail / wild orchids / inner
thigh / hanging from my ribs / a bending
light / a joint probability / escapes us /
what leaves / dried & bound / induce an
astral state / memory fails our magic /
does not contain / a plurality of / worship
/ a stylish fringe / a sacred study / of
faggots / be,hold me / unfollow the line /
into another / a meteoroid / inertial /
refractory / I stab at the sky / re,in,cite /
incoherent factory / infinite perf,orations
/ multiversal gl,itch

Leon Barros (he/they) is a Brooklyn-based Filipinx poet whose work is featured and is forthcoming in Annulet, diaCRITICS, beestung, and more.