Parents of today. ‘that time when mom became hip’

Nina Vandeweghe‘s work arises from the fascination for a sliver found material. This can be a sentence, a piece of paper with a special texture, a picture, or waste paper which she uses as a canvas for her grotesque figures. This found ‘sliver’ is a departure point for a composition in which she uses a variety of materials: paint, ink, paper, … Nina build her grotesque worlds intuitively, spontaneously and unconsciously creates references to naive art. Her worlds are inhabited by numerous grotesque figures: animals, people, things, which are placed in a chaotic, but not random composition. Her characters are endearing creatures, melancholy anti-heroes, with angular shoulders and long limbs, weighed down by the pressure of a hectic society. These universal themes are interspersed with very personal experiences, feelings, fears and joys. Yet she looks with love and empathy to her endearing characters. Nowhere it becomes pessimistic. The worlds are in a farcical manner full of color, movement and humor. The drawings have always something playful. They are not devoid of visual humor, naughty jokes and situation humor.
Nina Vandeweghe works and lives in Brussel.
She illustrated for Belgium magazines, newspaper, culture centers,… Vice USA, De Morgen, Knack , Humo, Bruzz, Cc Westrand, Het Kwartier, Mu.ZEE, …
Visit her website or instagram: http://ninavandeweghe.tumblr.com