yr Polis A citizens | denizens
0:02they settled
0:05five days of the final status
0:09september |
0:10slept right there in front of .r…s.a..t | sun seven fifteen if that pink
0:21it’s not abt making yr polis | this |
0:23& report not included
0:26& out of the no | fly list
0:28citizens of Polis A . . .
0:29scene not away their obsidian wafers
0:33stuff like that
0:34trying to do what we are not allowed to come
0:38firing off my lifestyle | stealing our data
0:41ha | ha Polis B | animals |
0:42no historians |
0:43for these are Polis A citizens of yr Polis A championship
0:49issued from former democratic fight hackers our precious Polis A children
0:55before we think we have to have a v. appealing . . .
0:59situated dehumans who harvest data for the best friend people in the world is
1:00our Polis A will build a goddamned datawall
yr Polis A partners in papers
farmer look at this
1:15we used
to all harshly
1:17now we
got rent | walls | data
secretary of labor looked at the Polis B
migrant plight & sd
1:24i think
that the interface is the greatness is what
we have called it
Polis B
our data
cried out
& their children & their lives entitled
assistance | entitled
1:42& whom
the quite fascinating
president of the Polis A data bureau
federation the largest farmers
ion as
1:52we think
those social workers wd agree that it’s
better for denizens to be employed
1:58even if
their capacity of salt shows
yr combo we took the Polis A position

Steven Alvarez is the author of The Codex Mojaodicus, winner of the 2016 Fence Modern Poets Prize. He has
also authored the novels in verse The Pocho Codex (2011) and The Xicano Genome (2013), both
published by Editorial Paroxismo, and the chapbooks, Tonalamatl, El Segundo’s Dream Notes (2017,
Letter [r] Press), Un/documented, Kentucky (2016, winner of the Rusty Toque Chapbook Prize), and Six
Poems from the Codex Mojaodicus (2014, winner of the Seven Kitchens Press Rane Arroyo Poetry
Prize). His work has appeared in the Best Experimental Writing (BAX), Berkeley Poetry Review, Fence,
Huizache, The Offing, and Waxwing. Follow Steven on Instagram @stevenpaulalvarez and Twitter