radical / avant garde / poet of color
to be radical / to be experimental / fundamentally positions a kind of marginality to mainstream practices / a correlation to the systematic marginalization poets of color live experientially / lived experience and experimentation emerging consciousness / bounded by words internalized from languages intersecting at borders / as always bound by these linguistic interactions between and through languages / conflicts and congruencies of languages / dynamically pushing back against the power to marginalize / to make for innovative poetry
![Pancho EL PRIMERO / to La Marcaida / Sinaloa // think I smell you / taste yr eyes / dream yr brown hands / groping a map of Tetaroba / open my eyes / see yrs still closed / kiss yr lids w/ thoughts untied / yet only the deepness inside me knows-- / missing the smoothness of yr warm neck / bids me to forget me in you more / fingers opening as roses & sudden / images descending / countries reathing / winds rise / hear yr breath / you breathe: tight (& writhe) / exhale / & my stomach shakes / paint any monstrosities you want / jellybean / poets all the same / words no action / ¿ow to speak? / wish w/ pages of boulders // yes Pancho EL PRIMERO / to La Marcaida / owned by the State / decidedly chose to write // machines speak loudly / definitively // call me call me call me Pancho ordered himself to follow / his desiring destined bones / toward the nude whose back / [margin: La Malinche] / faced his front / entered her / vigorously pumped / dispatched / thoroughly woke her / though considering / nothing else / she woked / turned her glance-- / seemingly expressed a kiss // Pancho dismissed this because a priori his breath / reeked open-mouth sleep / even worse as he sleeps w/ his mouth open // Pancho cd write / wrote/ read / sometimes instead / cloudpiles / hear train choo chaos desmadre / sun shines / clouds run / the blue blue blue / kind can't stand divided / MS letter holdings of Pancho Chastitellez estate / 19 Jun 2000 // Chaley to Pancho // see Olson: recognizing that writing & geometry are always entwined / connected // shapes of letters reflect cultural notions of spatiality / Euclidian space in our letters we inherit mostly from Greece by way of Rome / don't write boustrophedon / nor hieroglyphically / y liverty y susto for algunos // el conquistador es la figura que domina la historia de los años iniciales del contacto hispano-indigena/ y el conflicto dominante es el desequilibrio de la Antigua sociedad prehispánica sometida a un NUEVO ESTADO de cosass-- // PHYSICAL ENJOYMENT Tío / ¡Ay! reason Chastiteyes: / both reality & process how to operate / yes // nothin I cd be / trope / creature from second stage of-- / no more than s-some creature crowing / over own triumph over incoherence // heard this from una ruca cryin / cryin / cryin: // que ya te crees tanto . . . tú eres de Amurika / ya sabes hablar ingles y todo eso // think abt Quetzalcoatl / my true conquistador / is that it helps me / take my mind / off things by / doin something w/ me / sometimes my sweet conquistador / promises that we will do something / & then we don't do it / my gentle conquistador makes fun of me / in ways that I don't like / I wish my darling conquistador wuz different / O BUT WHEN I AM . . . / when I am w/ my adequate conquistador / I feel disappointed / & when I am w/ my antigovernment conquistador / I feel ignored / & when I am w/ my reformed conquistador / I feel bored / & when I am w/ my symbolic conquistador / I feel mad / & I feel that I can't trust my habitual conquistador / w/ secrets b/c I'm afraid my feigning conquistador / wd tell my parent/guardian / & when my abnormal conquistador / gives me advice / my soft conquistador makes me feel / kind of stupid & ashamed / I wish my parliamentary conquistador / asked me more abt what I think / I wish my necessary conquistador / knew me better / I wish my loathsome conquistador / spent more time / w/ me](https://anmly.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Pancho-El-Primero.png)
![ENTER CAVE | | . . . in the beginning was the DEAD . . . | | McTlán / al Norte / AZtlán | vivid [sic] desert / sand / heat / vacancy | “no eres betwixt or between cabrón | “brace yrself coz I’m the Mex next to más | “& images flicker & pass pos: | “mucho maas deeper pues . . . | “¿ye want carnitas ? / ye’d better respect my aGuad-loop ¿eh? | “¿ye don’t respect her? / & I’ll send ye right to yr ma . . . dray” |](https://anmly.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ENTER-CAVE_page_1-791x1024.png)

![into nothing | nothing [double struckthrough] | before arriving in | McTlán | aL | nORTE | AZtlán | dismay | dismay general no dismay O | O |](https://anmly.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ENTER-CAVE_page_6-791x1024.png)

![OO | O | O | O [double struckthrough] | O | O O | O | O |](https://anmly.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ENTER-CAVE_page_9-791x1024.png)

![O O | soundtrack & lesson this like | ¿asking for a goddamned lesson? | M c T l á n ’ s p l e a s u r e s | give me a lesson & we’re waiting—two demons platicando | ¿waiting for who? | looking at one another / away / | & A HUEVO GÜEY—away | fase uno: waiting to become / human dead / ¿zombies then? | fase dos: stacked ourselves w/ wit ¿what part | of illegal don’t ye understand beaner? | for these demons nothing but living dead exMexes | & indeed upon inspection w/ exes in their eyes | ¿we’re what? | waiting | simultaneous: | waiting to go [double struckthrough] | home [double struckthrough]](https://anmly.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ENTER-CAVE_page_11-791x1024.png)

Steven Alvarez is the author of The Codex Mojaodicus, winner of the 2016 Fence Modern Poets Prize. His work has appeared in the Best Experimental Writing (BAX), Berkeley Poetry Review, Fence, Huizache, The Offing, and Waxwing. Follow Steven on Instagram @stevenpaulalvarez and Twitter @chastitellez.